Calming the Storm
Homily for Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. These words from our first reading provide a framework for understanding the various men and women who are mentioned in the eleventh chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews. If someone were to ask me what my favorite chapter of Scripture was, I would immediately tell them that I really love this chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews. I suppose that I think of this chapter as a review lesson and, as a former teacher, I know the value of reviewing material before an examination. Many of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Hebrew Scriptures are mentioned as examples of faith; of course, the first and foremost man of faith and the subject of this reading was Abraham.
Abraham is held up as the primary example of someone who put his faith in his God. That faith was engendered by the fact that Abraham truly believed that the promises that God had made would be honored. In other words, Abraham put his hope in the promises. He was steadfast and righteous in the sight of God.
His exemplary faith contrasts with that of the disciples in today’s Gospel text. When the storm rocked their boat, they gave way to fear. This is why Jesus questions their faith. Doubt and terror pushed aside their trust and confidence in him. Jesus calms the storm and, more importantly, he calms them. By calming the storm, he reveals that he has divine authority that will always take care of them.
Every life is prone to storms, times when we are tried by health issues, relationship issues, as well as social issues. When these things happen in our lives, we need to remember the calming influence of our faith in Jesus. Our faith is part of the “now but not yet” mystery that is evident in the Christian Scriptures. We live in that now but not yet environment that is part of our faith in the resurrection.