Friday, February 7, 2025

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

St. Leonard of Noblac Read more

St. Leonard of Noblac

St. Leonard of Noblac (d. 559 A.D.) also known as St. Leonard of Limoges, was a French nobleman in the court of Clovis I, King of France. He was converted to the Christian faith, along with the King, by St. Remigius, Bishop of Rheims. After his conversion he abandoned his worldly pursuits, left the royal court, and followed St. Remigius as a disciple. He obtained special permission from the...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 131
St. Elizabeth of Ain Karim Read more

St. Elizabeth of Ain Karim

St. Elizabeth of the Visitation (1st c.) was the wife of Zachary, a temple priest, and the cousin and close companion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the one whom Our Lady visited in haste after the Annunciation. The Angel Gabriel had told Mary that Elizabeth was expecting a miraculous child in her old age. Upon hearing Mary's voice, who was then carrying the Son of God in her womb,...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 179
St. Felix of Valois Read more

St. Felix of Valois

Saint Felix of Valois (April 16, 1127 – November 4, 1212) was a hermit and a co-founder (with Saint John of Matha) of the Trinitarian Order. Butler says that Felix was born in 1127. He was surnamed Valois because he was a native of the province of Valois. Tradition holds that he renounced his possessions and retired to a dense forest in the Diocese of Meaux, where he gave himself to...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 158
St. Malachy O'More Read more

St. Malachy O'More

Saint Malachy was an Irish saint and Archbishop of Armagh. Saint Malachy was the first native born Irish saint to be canonized. His brother was Gilla Críst Ua Morgair who later became Bishop Christian of Clogher from 1126 to 1138.  His feast day is November 3.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 137
Commemoration of the Poor Souls Read more

Commemoration of the Poor Souls

November 2nd is the day that the Church remembers the Poor Souls, sometimes called the Day of the Dead. On this day, and during the month of November, the Church prays in a special way for the souls of the faithful departed, and individuals pray especially for those whom they have known and loved. The Holy Souls in purgatory died in the mercy of God, thus they are called "holy."...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 145
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