Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

St. Camilla Battista de Varano Read more

St. Camilla Battista de Varano

St. Camilla was born out of wedlock of a noble mother and a gentleman of the court.  She was raised in the court and received an education. She was not particularly religious and made fun of the nuns and the friars.  During the Lent of 1479, Varano listened to a sermon of Observant Franciscan friar Francesco of Urbino, whom she described as "the trumpet of the Holy...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 289
St. Dymphna Read more

St. Dymphna

Saint Dymphna is a Christian saint honored in Catholic and Orthodox traditions. According to tradition, she lived in the 7th century and was the daughter of a pagan Irish king and his Christian wife. She was murdered by her father. The story of Dymphna was first recorded in the 13th century by a canon of the Church of St. Aubert at Cambrai, France. It was commissioned by Guiard of Laon...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 339
Pope St. Paul VI Read more

Pope St. Paul VI

Pope Paul VI, also known as Giovanni Battista Montini, was elected Pope in 1963 and reigned as Supreme Pontiff until 1978. He was canonized by Pope Francis in October of 2018. Pope Paul VI was instrumental in overseeing the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council which has been inaugurated by his predecessor, Pope John XXIII. He was, therefore, also responsible for implementing the changes...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 239
St. Mariana de Paredes Read more

St. Mariana de Paredes

St. Mariana was a hermitess and is known as the “Lily of Quito,” Ecuador.  She was born Mariana de Paredes and called herself Mariana of Jesus.  Born in Quito, she was a hermitess in her brother-in-law’s residence.  She was a Third Order Franciscan and is particularly venerated by other tertiaries.  Orphaned at a very young age, she was raised by her older...
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. 278
St. Augustine of Canterbury (St. Austin) Read more

St. Augustine of Canterbury (St. Austin)

St. Augustine of Canterbury (d. 604 A.D.), also known as St. Austin, was prior of a monastery in Rome before being called by Pope Gregory the Great to be a missionary to the British Isles. The Pope received word that the pagans of Britain would embrace the faith in great numbers if priests were sent to teach them, and previous missionaries had been unsuccessful in the holy endeavor. In order...
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