Saturday, July 27, 2024

Father Lawrence's Blog

Prayer as Lenten Activity
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.
/ Categories: Father Lawrence's Blog

Prayer as Lenten Activity

A Lenten Moment

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus urges his disciples to fast, to pray, and to give alms in secret. In the middle of this particular passage within the sermon, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. Although the teaching on Ash Wednesday does not include the Lord's Prayer, the Church adds it as today's Gospel passage.

I would like to offer a poem from the nineteenth century about prayer by Frederick W. Faber:

Now are the days of humblest prayer,
When consciences to God lie bare,
And mercy most the lights to spare!

Now is the season, wisely long,
Of deeper thought and graver song,
When ailing souls grow well and strong.

The feast of penance! O so bright
With true conversion's heavenly light,
Like sunrise after stormy night.

O hear us when we cry,
Chastise us with your fear,
Yet, Father, in the multitude
Of your compassion, hear.

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